

Voices in Heaven 


                                                                                             ...Dedicated to the Lord, Jesus Christ

PayPal - Click "Donate"
Idaho Backcountry Veterns basket outside
Basket Jim Kimber Front and above
Basket Jim Kimber Front
edit-Bear Basket Closeup of handle and lid
Bear Basket Vicki holding
Basket for Paris in MT full basket
Montana Basket Chuck Senters brother and sister in law


The cross lays beautifully upon this basket that first traveled to Texas to my buddy, Chuck from GoWild. Then it traveled on to New Mexico and became a housewarming gift from one family member to another, and an honor for me to create!

 Pictured on the right are the recipients- John and Robin;  Thanks for accepting it with such beautiful smiles!

Thank you Senter family!

(44 hours) - New Mexico

"My Dad bought me this beautiful basket from Lisa for Christmas! The detail and hard work that went into this basket is nothing less than impressive. Not to mention it had the most wonderful pine smell when I opened the box. A perfect Christmas present for sure!"

                                                  ~ Liz


This basket was created for Liz, in Michigan.  It was enjoyable to select different needle colors and use the bear charms to surround this bear-themed basket.  

Thank you, Liz!

(55 hours)


This donated basket went to the Idaho Backcountry Veteran's banquet being held in Idaho in March 2024.  It was auctioned off with the proceeds going to this fabulous organization. 

Their  slogan: 

Uniting veterans in the great outdoors! 


"through our outdoor program, veterans find camaraderie, healing, and new challenges - transforming experiences that redefine post-service life positively."  


(40 hours) - Idaho

Another great custom cherry wood basket base made by my buddy, Peter in the UK.  Thank you always, Peter, for your beautiful work!


(click image to go to his shop)


"This is so amazing!  I'm so thankful for your time and everything put into it."


-Kevin McFarland



Those wishing to pay online - Use method below

Elk Basket -

The majestic elk of Montana 

were the inspiration behind this basket!

Tom, of Wisconsin and a GoWild buddy, graced this basket with beautiful pheasant feathers taken from a hunt in South Dakota.

Thank you Tom!

(52 hours)



"Pictures don't do it justice, this thing is beautiful!  A great value for as many hours and as much work as she puts in one."

-Chuck (GoWild Buddy)



Remake of Squirrel Basket -

This cute little basket was recreated for Linda here in Ohio.

Thank you Linda!

(26 hours)



This Boxer themed basket is now in Montana in the hands of a lovely lady who has blessed me and my youngest son beyond measure with her vast health and medical knowledge! 

In Montana - Thank you, Paris!

(53 hours)


The cherry wood boxer basket center, ------->

specially ordered and engraved by my friend Peter in England.  He did a beautiful job as always! 

Thank you, Peter!

(Click the image on the right to visit his shop)



These custom-made Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle baskets are a labor of love for me! 


I spend anywhere from 40-60+ hours on each one, which doesn't include gathering, sorting, cleaning, and prepping the needles. They are rough-sewn and as natural as possible.

I work with each person purchasing a basket to select beads, pendants, and a style that best fits your likes (see "Basket Items" in TABS above for a small sample of options). 


This is my tangible Montana! 

Baskets start at $350 + Shipping- depending on the size chosen.

(Payments can be made by clicking the "Donate" button below)

Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle Baskets - Pg. 2


Squirrel Basket -

This little basket, with a lid, seems to be the favorite! 

It's cute little squirrel charm adds a bit of 'wildlife.'

(43 hours)  




My beautiful sister received this little bear basket for her birthday. The Picasso Jasper beads ran around the basket and the rustic inlaid yak bone mala beads hung behind the bear pendant in front.  The bear center adds a nice surprise once the lid is opened.  This basket was one of my favorites, once it was completed.  

Happy Birthday, Sis! 

(33 hours) - Ohio

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