

Voices in Heaven 


                                                                                             ...Dedicated to the Lord, Jesus Christ

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edit-edit-Bear Basket Lisa Holding
Dad's basket 1
edit-Ponderosa Pine Needle Basket top view
Ponderosa Pine Basket for Kent in bath
Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle Basket Deer Hide outside
Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle Basket 4 inch Railroad
Ponderosa Pine Needle Scotland
Ponderosa Pine Needle Scotland inside
Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle Basket Moms inside of basket
Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle Basket Schrock

Rabbit Basket -

What a fun basket to make! This one went to my sis and it has a little rabbit pendant as well as elk teeth. 

I love you, my sweet Sis!

Basket in Ohio

(58 hours)

Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle Baskets 

These custom-made Montana Ponderosa Pine Needle baskets have been a labor of love for me! 

The state of Montana is a gorgeous state that my family lived in and some still do.  The needles were all from trees I absolutely loved, the great Ponderosa Pine.  All the baskets, except the first one below, are made with needles from Montana. 


I spent anywhere from 40-60+ hours on each one, which doesn't include gathering, sorting, cleaning, and prepping the needles. They are rough-sewn and as natural as possible.

I work with each person purchasing a basket to select beads, pendants, and a style that best fits your likes.  


I no longer am making the baskets but still have plenty of materials left.  If you definately want one, contact me and I will see what I can do for you.  

Baskets start at $350 + Shipping- depending on the size chosen.









The wooden squirrel, although too large for this basket, was given to me by Brad Luttrell of GoWild to place on a basket I made for my buddy David in Scotland.  

This is my first basket that went overseas and is now in Scotland.


(23 hours)

"The basket is incredible, really good work.  Couldn't be happier with it." 

-David aka "Ferg"

"Lisa is so good to work with and is very helpful when discussing the different options you may want for a basket.  She is talented!  Thanks again."

-Dallas & Kandi

Dallas, a buddy from the outdoor platform "GoWild" (that is now not running online), sent needles from their ranch in Nebraska and it became the first of the turquoise colored baskets!  I really enjoyed working on this basket!  He gifted this to his lovely wife, Kandi, for Christmas! 

Thank you for the honor, Dallas!

(41 hours)

Raccoons & Crayfish?

This basket is a little different!

I created it for my Dad who loves to feed raccoons.


The story behind the design of this basket:

Decades ago my Maternal Grandpa had a caged coon he used in training his coonhounds. During a visit, he said he was going to release the coon and  I asked if I could take her to my Dad who loves wildlife.  

TJ, a buddy from GoWild, reached out and gave me the freedom in creating this one! He mentioned he liked Native American items. Whitetail Deer hide and Picasso Jasper beads make this basket pop with uniqueness.

What a pleasure this was to create! 

Now in Wyoming - Thank you, TJ & Family!

(56 hours)

Dad was surprised and seemed thrilled to have her.   He built a huge pen, placed lots of logs and high planks for her to walk on, and built her an insulated home.  He fed her not just quality dog food but also would go down to his stream and catch crayfish for her.  The crayfish would be put into a water trough where she seemed to enjoy fishing them out.  She went from a nasty ole raccoon to one that seemed to love seeing him.  He never intended to keep her as a pet, but desired to set her free again.  After a year or so, he released her and the bond they formed kept her returning almost every evening, often bringing her babies! 

The brass crayfish came from Korea and added a cute touch, I thought.

I love you, Pa! 


(40 hours)


Sunflowers and Montana Ponderosa Pine needles!

This basket was made for my Mom for her birthday.

Everyone's Mom holds great value to them, and my Mom is no different. She has had our backs our entire lives!  Thanks Mom!  

I Love you, my strong and beautiful Mom!

Basket now in KY

(50 hours)

"I love my beautiful pine needle basket!  It means a lot knowing my daughter, Lisa, took her time and skill to create just a lovely basket.  I shall cherish it for many years!  Thank you, Lisa Ann!"  ~Mom

"The basket is a precious gift to me.  Your work is amazingly intricate!"  ~Charlene



Zach, another buddy from GoWild, reached out to have a basket crafted for his incredibly sweet mom, for her birthday. This gift was from him and his 5 siblings; what a treat working with them! 

Maple on Pine - 

This basket has a pretty maple leaf,  surrounded by elk teeth, and topped with beads held in place by braided pine needles! 

David is a great friend to so many and  supports all of his GoWild buddies!

Basket now in Illinois -Thank you, David!

(49 hours)

(49 hours

Italian Exotic and Pine -

This basket came about to represent the passion my

brother has for the Lamborghini Countach.

The basket is wide and deep; Endless uses for this one! 

I love you, my awesome bro!

Basket in Montana

(46 hours)

"I asked Lisa if she would make me one of her custom woven pine needle baskets for our mountain house. I asked her to surprise me and not send pics before I got it. WOW!!!  I had no idea how beautiful this thing would be until it arrived. The craftsmanship of this basket is over the top!!! If you like cool things that are one of a kind, shoot Lisa a message and have her make you one of these. I can assure you that you will be pleased, and she is a wonderful person to work with as well. Thank you Lisa!!!!!!! I'm no photographer and these pics don't do this work of art any justice, but here it is."

(Image on right)

- TJ, Tiffany & Family

Those wishing to pay online - Use method below 


Great Northern Railway -


The Great Northern Railway began in 1889 and travels from Lake Superior at Duluth and Minneapolis/St. Paul west through North Dakota, Montana and Northern Idaho to Washington State.  One should visit the lovely Essex station in Montana and stay all night in one of their retired train cars.


Basket in Montana

(14 hours)


The above photo is in Harris, which is the southern part of the Scottish Hebridean island of Lewis and Harris. It’s known for sandy beaches like Luskentyre and Scarista on the west coast, and for rugged mountains in the north.


(I am learning locations as David shares them along with the photos!  It is quite exciting to see the basket taking a journey).

I love this family photo (minus Charlene's husband, who took the photo) with Charlene holding the basket!

In Pennsylvania - Thank you, Schrock Family!

(50 hours)

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